Photo Credit: zhudifeng /
8. Big Drug Companies Are Suppressing a Cure
It’s fairly easy to point fingers at the big drug companies, since they are in the business of selling medication, and it follows that they need to continue to earn profits to survive. While it’s tempting to believe that a miracle cure exists but isn’t being shared (yet), the truth is that it makes no sense for the government, drug companies, charities or facets of the scientific community to hide a cure for cancer.
Not only would an effective treatment make millions for the pharmaceutical companies in testing, trials and distribution, but doctors and researchers are free to conduct their own tests independent of the corporate overseers. One thing to keep in mind is that the vast majority of people in the medical community are committed to helping people, and have been personally touched by cancer or its effects – they aren’t in a position or mindset to hinder cancer research or advancements in treatment.
There are lots of opinions parading as facts, and just as many misleading claims that are, at best, partial truths. It’s important to remember that cancer is a complex disease, one that requires a complex response. There is no simple cure, but as sound research continues, chances of surviving cancer have never been better, and continue to improve – the five year survival rate for all cancers combined is around 66%.
Although it can take time, will, and courage, accepting the scientific reality is the first step to better treatment, which means you should take matters into your own hands and investigate cancer claims a bit further before you accept them.
Some of the best essential oils for cancer patients are frankincense, clary sage, lavender, citrus oils, lemongrass, myrrh, peppermint, and spearmint.