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Your Risk Rises Significantly as You Age
As with most cancers, your risk of developing breast cancer increases with age. Most women in their 20s have a relatively low chance of developing the disease — about one in 1,760 (unless they have a specific gene mutation, which would raise that risk).
As you enter your 30s, breast cancer risk jumps to one in 229. By age 40, it’s at one in 69, and after age 60, one in every 29 women will be diagnosed. Evidently, the need for closer examination increases toward the end of the child-bearing years, especially if you’ve never been pregnant or you had your first child after age 35.
Everyday Health (10 Breast Cancer Facts You May Not Know) (11 Facts about Breast Cancer)Susan G. Komen (Race and Ethnicity)National Cancer Institute (Obesity and Cancer Risk)Everyday Health (Dense Breasts and Breast Cancer Risk)Related Search Topics
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