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Men Are Not Immune
Breast cancer is generally thought of as a woman’s disease because, well, they’re the ones with breasts. However, men have breast tissue, too, and over 2,000 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer in the United States each year.
A man’s lifetime risk of developing breast cancer is considerably lower: only one in every 1,000 men will be diagnosed, compared to the one in eight women who will receive that awful diagnosis. However, this may actually work against their survival rate, since men aren’t typically watching for breast changes. Since early signs often go undetected for longer, many men are diagnosed at a later, more serious stage of the disease.
Everyday Health (10 Breast Cancer Facts You May Not Know) (11 Facts about Breast Cancer)Susan G. Komen (Race and Ethnicity)National Cancer Institute (Obesity and Cancer Risk)Everyday Health (Dense Breasts and Breast Cancer Risk)No cancer is good, but lung cancer can be particularly scary. Let's take a look at various causes of lung cancer and what you can do to decrease your risk.