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Check Your Skin Often
Get more familiar with how your skin looks and feels: any changes in color, shape, texture or sensitivity of a spot or mole can signal a problem. Use the ABCDE rules for spotting melanoma, but don’t diagnose yourself — take any worries straight to your doctor.
Experts suggest melanoma rates could be knocked down substantially if people performed monthly self-exams; if you enlist the help of a partner, you’re even more likely to find an abnormality before it becomes a serious threat to your health. Be sure to check everywhere, even spots that never see the sun.
NCBI (Green tea prevents non-melanoma skin cancer by enhancing DNA repair)Mayo Clinic (Melanoma/Prevention)American Cancer Society (Can melanoma skin cancer be prevented?)WebMD (12 Ways to Protect Your Skin and Prevent Skin Cancer)Melanoma Institute Australia (How do I protect my skin?)Related Search Topics
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